Sweet Dreams | R. V. Mitchell

It’s not a dream state
These visions of future bliss
But hope manifest

R. V. Mitchell is a writer, educator, ecclesiastical historian, and theologian. He is a widower, and the passing of his soulmate and best friend has hurt but also strengthened him. He writes a regular blog on WordPress called Padre’s Ramblings.

Selected by the editor as a featured submission, June 2021

Glimmerings | R. V. Mitchell

Why do you mope so?
Glimmerings are breaking through
See the bright sunrise

R. V. Mitchell is a writer, educator, ecclesiastical historian, and theologian. He is a widower, and the passing of his soulmate and best friend has hurt but also strengthened him. He writes a regular blog on WordPress called Padre’s Ramblings.

Selected by the editor as a featured submission, January 2021.

For a Golden Moment | Padre (R. V. Mitchell)

Days still bright, but shorter now
Trees in their annual decline
The skyline for this moment golden
Say for the stands of pine
Yet this gold wont last forever
Its moment a splendid show
For all too soon it shall be covered
By the arrival of winter snow

Padre of Padre’s Ramblings has been a preacher, teacher, and served in the Forces. He is an ecclesiastical historian, and theologian, as well as a writer and public speaker. He has recently been widowed, but strives to stay positive and productive.

Selected by the editor as a featured submission, July 2020

Originally posted on the site: 14/10/19