Footprints in harmattan winds | Benjamin Nambu

Trees, yawning in drought

Forced to repent their decision

To remain rooted instead of fleeing

Their once wet barks

Branded with scars from sharp gun rays

As they stare down

At footprints of families gone farming

Fading in harmattan winds

Benjamin Nambu is from Ghana in West Africa. Writing poems, short stories, and motivational messages are very dear to his heart. 



Selected by the editor as a featured submission, February 2023

Difficult Times | Benjamin Nambu

Hunger echoes the sun rays in my ears

My stomach grumbles

It’s the sign, that I’m near the end

I tighten my grip on the loaf of bread

Wrapped around my shoes in my sack

As the sun brightens with more heat

It becomes clear

That my big talks and dreaming big

Come down to holding on to a piece of bread

Benjamin Nambu is from Ghana in West Africa. Writing poems, short stories, and motivational messages are very dear to his heart. 



Born for the rough roads | Benjamin Nambu

I was born for the rough roads

To roam them and to rule there

I was destined to go places

Even hell, cracked and cooked

I was built to master

The roads of rules and conventions

To their dead ends

And create new paths into the future

I was born to win

That’s why I count every loss as lessons

Benjamin Nambu is from Ghana in West Africa. Writing poems, short stories, and motivational messages are very dear to his heart. 

